Zavarovalnica Triglav ostaja generalni sponzor tudi v 2025!
Zavarovalnica Triglav tudi v sezoni 2024/2025 podpira delovanje ŠD Golovec trails in s tem prispeva k razvoju gorskokolesarskih poti ter boljšemu delovanju društva. Njihova podpora....
Zavarovalnica Triglav tudi v sezoni 2024/2025 podpira delovanje ŠD Golovec trails in s tem prispeva k razvoju gorskokolesarskih poti ter boljšemu delovanju društva. Njihova podpora....
We invite you to enroll in our year-round children's mountain biking school in Golovec for children aged 8 and over. At the training sessions, the children get to know...
The finale of Ligura needs no special introduction. After a few independent visits, last year we visited this top MTB destination, which is known for its exceptional weather and top...
For the third year in a row, we can count on the support of Zavarovalnica Triglav. We are grateful that they recognize the benefits of investing in sports. Together we can continue with….
The sixth edition of the ENDURO GOLOVEC TRAILS party in Ljubljana is coming - this time for two days, 16 and 17 September 2023!! We present some details below. This year's competition brings quite a few innovations,...
Members of the Golovec Trails MTB Club receive exclusive benefits from our sponsors.
17% discount on bicycle tires from our official dealers. Discount applies to regular prices.
retail prices.
A 10% standard discount and an additional 5% off on all already discounted items, except for bicycles and products from Garmin, Polar, and Suunto brands.
One-time discount of 10 € for purchases over 50 €.
15% discount on Nutrispoint products, 20% discount on Sinter brake linings + occasional promotions on suspension service.
7% service discount on Fox, Race Face and Marzocchi brands.
30% discount on regular prices of sports nutrition in the store.
Customized tranings for cyclists in the Evolucija training center with a 10% discount.
30% discount on brands UNIOR, KNIPEX, WERA, BGS TECHNIC, GOLDFREN. Applies to items not on sale.
15 % discount on vulcanisation services
5% discount on everything, including already discounted products. Additionally, a 5% discount on bike maintenance services.
Free first consultation with a physiotherapist. Subsequent physiotherapy services come with a 25% discount, and therapeutic massages are offered at a 20% discount.
15% discount on the ION cycling collection in the Surfshop store at Kodeljevo.
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